Hiljattain virallisesti maailmalla julkaistu GeForce NOW -palvelun pelikantaan on iskenyt pienoinen piikki kun Activision Blizzardin pelit ovat poistuneet valikoimasta.
Nvidia kertoi aiheesta virallisesti foorumillaan, mutta ei tarkentanut mikä oli syy pelien poistamiseen. Activision Blizzard ei ole kommentoinut tapahtunutta vielä.
As we take GeForce NOW to the next step in its evolution, we've worked with publishers to onboard a robust catalog of your PC games.
This means continually adding new games, and on occasion, having to remove games – similar to other digital service providers.
Per their request, please be advised Activision Blizzard games will be removed from the service. While unfortunate, we hope to work together with Activision Blizzard to reenable these games and more in the future.
In addition to the hundreds of games currently supported, we have over 1,500 games that developers have asked to be on-boarded to the service. Look for weekly updates as to new games we are adding.
GeForce Now mahdollistaa jo omistamiesi pelien pelaamisen esim. Steamin tai UPlayn kautta haluamallasi laitteilla kuten heikkotehoisemmilla PC:illä tai läppäreillä, Mac OSX:llä, Android -laiteilla ja Nvidian Shield -laitteella.