Square Enix ilmoitti julkaisevansa vuonna 1998 ilmestyneestä PlayStation klassikkopelistä SaGa Frontierista remasteroidun version. Uusi peli ilmestyy ensi vuoden kesällä Nintendo Switchille ja PlayStation 4:lle sekä Steam-, iOS- ja Android -alustoille. Pelin kehittäjä kertoo, että uusi SaGa Frontier -versio tuo tutun maailman päivitetyllä grafiikalla, tapahtumilla, välianimaatioilla, parannuksilla ja uuden päähenkilön.
Kurkkaa maistiaisia trailerista:
YouTube-kanava kuvailee peliä:
The team of eight have returned – now with Fuse added as a playable character!
Choose your favorite character and embark on your own unique journey.
Each of the eight characters have different goals and endings. Your choices will affect how events unfold using the Free-Form Scenario System. This in-depth system will allow you to manipulate and expand a story all your own.
Challenge yourself in nail-biting battles by using “glimmer” as well as learning new skills such as the ability to fire consecutive special attacks from multiple team members.
With beautiful graphics, as well as the addition of new events and features, SaGa Frontier Remastered is an experience not to be missed!